Dude Goes to McDonald’s Wearing 50 Sprays of Nautica Blue Cologne

At some level, this is biological warfare.

By Braden Bjella

Published 10 months ago in Funny

At some level, this is biological warfare.

At some level, this is biological warfare. Recently, a TikToker named Jarrett Sewell decided to pepper himself in 50 sprays of Nautica Blue Cologne, a scent that’s been alternately reviewed as “fresh and clean” or a “cheap talcum powder fart.”

No matter how good it smells, 50 sprays is definitely too many. Despite that, our social experimenter opted to douse himself in the stuff and head into his local McDonald’s. The reaction goes about how you’d expect.

“You’ve got too much of that cologne on there, child,” says one of the workers.

“Are you serious?” he responds.

“Really serious,” the worker answers.

Others can be overheard claiming that it burns, which is definitely something you don’t want said about your date-night scent.

While this may seem like a bit of a mean joke, many TikTok commenters noted that people covering themselves in this level of fragrance isn’t too uncommon — especially around the time they hit puberty. “7th graders in the locker rooms be like,” joked a user. “I used to freeze my balls with axe after the mile. Heinous,” admitted another. “I remember watching a kid unleash a whole can of axe on himself like it was shower in a can,” recounted a third.

I know tipping isn’t really a thing at McDonald’s, but if you’re going to pull stunts like this, maybe it should be.

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